Jordan Maxwell Discovers The "Universal Equation"‎ For Everything M=C=(1+3)2 That Even Einstein Couldn't Find

Jordan Lectures On His  (Universal  Equation) 
To The World's Leading Scientists And Physicists

"M=C=(1+3)2     That's it! That's It! I've done it. I've discovered an Universal Equation for solving everything" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan explains, "I was just pondering about the meaning of life like I've done for 50 years and it just came to me.  This is much better than Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2. Much, Much Better" stated Jordan. 

He has since commented, "This Is EVERYTHING THAT I EVER NEEDED TO KNOW…".

Yes, Jordan Maxwell has done it folks! He has come up with a theory of everything (ToE), a final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory.  An Universal Equation to the meaning of life! 

Even though Jordan has discovered his new theory he has stated that he will continue as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. 

Jordan's interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Freethought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars; hosted his own radio talk shows; guested on more than 600 radio shows; and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three two-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed five-part Ancient Mystery Series) — all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today.

His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades.

Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore! His extraordinary presentations includes documents and photographs seldom seen elsewhere.

Concerning his discovery of an UNIVERSAL EQUATION, Jordan says, "I'm just a man an ordinary man who has studied the meaning of life for over fifty years".

Recently Jordan has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in physics for his Universal Equation formula.

Jordan's Website

The satire contained in this article and the fictional nature of it's content – even if based on real people and however similar to real events, is solely for entertainment.