The Duggar Family Are Practically Satanists

If you watch the TLC show 19 Kids and Counting starring confirmed child molester Josh Duggar, chances are you’re familiar with satanist. 

While there is much speculation regarding the origins and extent of the family’s actual relationship the Duggars, according to TV screens, are as close as can be, constantly “fellowshipping” around God/Satan.

Many fans believe the Duggar's family is “better” than the average person; minimally talented family members are more sociable and fun than any true christian family, ask the Osteen's from Houston, Tx.

But lurking behind the admittedly gorgeous family are the same ugly beliefs that drove the Duggars to keep their child-molesting son hidden from authorities for over a year and in the same house as the sisters he molested for many more. Alongside Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Gil and Kelly Bates share a devotion to God/Satan, an affection for TV money, and a strict adherence to the ATI (Advanced Training Institute International) homeschooling curriculum.

It’s not a secret that the Duggars follow the ATI curriculum, an educational program that tells young women to cover up their bodies lest they “defraud” the horny men around them, and an educational program that blames victims of sexual assault.